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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Food Facts (Day 32-35)

My arms look like paddles now more than flippers. Tis Boo. I like flippers. Tee Hee!

Water is the best hydrator, despite the sport drink commercials. At lest for me. Eggs have pretty much all the important vitamins and minerals I need, except Vitamin C. But since Mommy doesn't really eat eggs, the supplements should be OK. At least she drinks a good amount of milk. Mommy prefers 1% skim milk that's naturally organic. I don't blame her. I think I'm going to prefer natural organic milk too! Tee Hee!

Now that I'm about 1/4" in size, I need stuff. But how much of what? There's so many minerals to keep track off.. my goodness! B1 (Thiamine) for energy, Protein, Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, the list goes on and on. I wonder why some vitamins have a Letter and some have actual names. Weird.

Sorry Mommy if I'm making you somewhat tired now. It takes a lot of energy to divide my cerebral hemispheres and form the foundations of my my reflex-based neuro-muscular communications. I also weigh an astonishing .00004 ounces.

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